One Mile For A Smile
With every step, with every mile, you contribute to making children's lives safer and more valuable. Support one of the charity projects at #OneMileForASmile, the Inclusion Run by Coca-Cola on Saturday night!
The following charity partners participated with their charity projects in #OneMileForASmile on May 11, 2024.
The charity concept at the Mozart City Running Festival works as follows: Simply buy a starting number directly from the charity partner of your choice and increase the price by your individual donation. This way you can help to put a smile on the faces of children and young people in need.
Austrian Doctors
Austrian Doctors voluntarily carry out unpaid medical assignments in slums and remote areas in Kenya, Bangladesh, India and the Philippines and, with the support of local employees, specifically support children in their own educational institutions as well as adults.
"Get up and fly!" - With this guiding principle, we have set ourselves the goal of lovingly and caringly looking after children living on the streets in Ghana and giving them a chance for school and vocational training so that they can "fly" independently. learn.
Austrian Cancer Aid Salzburg
Our project "Mama, Papa has cancer" sets an example for our health and accompanies children, whole families or just the parents during cancer. We inform, clarify and help financially and with the processing of the many emotions and fears.
Autism Initiative Association (VIA)
The abbreviation VIA – the path – symbolizes the new paths that we would like to show people on the autism spectrum, relatives and specialists. Our goal is to expand the perspectives of those affected and their families by improving treatment and support options in Salzburg.
Association Jojo
Around 18,000 children and young people with a mentally ill parent live in the province of Salzburg. The JoJo association offers resource-oriented support to stressed families in order to keep the children healthy and to enable them to develop positively.
panairobi is a registered, charitable association in Salzburg that takes care of the street children in Nairobi. Through donations and charitable activities, panairobi enables children from Nairobi's Mathare slum to get a school education, a warm meal a day and holiday care.
Gambia sponsorship
With targeted monetary and material donations, Anton Wintersteller supports the financing of the construction of a school in Gambia and needy families with school children with school utensils, hot meals and other important equipment for everyday school life.
Down Syndrome Salzburg
Life means diversity - many different children, young people and adults are the focus of “Down Syndrome Salzburg“. We look forward to many moments of happiness during shared experiences, excursions and activities and provide support with any open questions, uncertainties and problems.
As a patient organization, DEBRA Austria has set itself the goal of providing competent medical care for the "butterfly children" and increasing the chance of recovery through targeted, first-class research. In addition, there is immediate help for those affected and their families in emergencies or when the health insurance or social system is not sufficient.