Sonntag, 11. Mai 2025 09:00 Uhr


approx. 9,000m

Trekking & mountain running


height difference


average slope

"On the Goasn, get set, go!"

Das ultimative Erlebnis für alle Ausdauer- und Gesundheitssportler*innen in einer traumhaften Naturlandschaft mit bestem Ausblick auf die Mozartstadt und die umliegende Region. Das GipfelTreffen ist der spannende, erlebnis- und abwechslungsreiche Auftakt der Lauffestspiele der Mozartstadt 2025.

Are you ready for your adventure on Salzburg's local mountain?

This trekking tour takes us out of the city into nature and it leads us to ourselves. Step by step we find a new rhythm in which our endurance and the natural environment set the tone. Neither the distance covered nor the speed count, but the conscious experience of the present.

Unsere Partner

© Alpenverein Salzburg

The Alpenverein Salzburg ist Kooperationspartner des GipfelTreffen.

Enjoy and respect the nature reserve of the Gaisberg!

The Gaisberg is a beautiful natural area in the city of Salzburg. Run and hike through the woods and across the meadows with your eyes wide open and enjoy the atmosphere. Please keep the area clean and do not leave any rubbish behind - out of respect for nature and everyone else who wants to enjoy the Gaisberg nature experience.

Enjoy a great get-together after the sporting experience!

The “Goasn Alm” team awaits you right next to the finish line with convivial music, tasty alpine food and cold beer or apple juice.


Registration & Information

  • the Voranmeldung für das GipfelTreffen ist geöffnet und bis Sonntag, 4. Mai 2025 möglich.
  • Registration takes place via our partner’s platform Datasport away.
  • Entry fee/registration fee (all processing and service fees are included in the entry fee):
  • 35 Euro (bis zum 4.5.2025)
  • 40 Euro bei der last-minute-Anmeldung
  • Registration via form: Please fill in correctly the registration form for the summit meeting send it by e-mail to us.
  • Add to your running experience in Salzburg and book to register:
    functional shirt (PUMA, 39 euros)
    Bib-Bits magnets (bib number holder) – four pieces (12 euros)
  • We warmly recommend you to do a health check before participating!

Starting documents

  • Die Ausgabe der Startunterlagen findet vor dem Start am Kiosk im Volksgarten statt und zwar am Sonntag, 11. Mai von 7:30 bis 9 Uhr.

Information about the start

  • Der Startschuss für das GipfelTreffen fällt am Sonntag, 11. Mai 2025 um 9 Uhr.
  • The start is in the Hundertwasserallee in the Volksgarten Salzburg.

Route information

  • The route is marked with arrows and kilometer boards and secured by the organizer's staff. The subsoil of the route consists of paved paths throughout and can be ran or walked on without any problems.
  • Die Wege am Gaisberg werden vom Alpenverein Salzburg betreut. Am Eventtag betreuen Freiwillige des Alpenverein Salzburg die Verpflegungsstationen entlang der Strecke.
  • Start: Volksgarten, Hundertwasserallee – 9 a.m
  • Goal: at the "Goasn Alm“, Gaisbergspitze
  • Route length: approx. 9 kilometers
  • Elevation difference: 842 meters. The average gradient is 8%.

Starter bag and return journey

  • Hand in your starter bag at the information stand in the Volksgarten (at the start). We will bring it to the Gaisberg for you and you can collect it there after you reach the finish.
  • You are welcome to hike back to the city. We will organize a free return trip together with ALBUS. The bus leaves at 1:15 p.m. from the Gaisbergspitze and takes you to Mirabellplatz. Your start number is valid as a free ticket for this bus only.

What awaits you at the finish line?

  • The destination is open until 1pm.
  • An der Gaisbergspitze bekommen alle Teilnehmer*innen eine Finisher-Medaille im Salzburg-Marathon-Design, ein Finisher-Verpflegung mit Obst und einem Getränk.
  • Afterwards we will have a hearty morning pint together in the Goasn Alm mit Musik und bester Unterhaltung der sportliche Erfolg gefeiert. Das erste Getränk geht auf uns, den entsprechenden Gutschein erhältst du im Ziel. Marina Herzmayer moderiert das gesellige Beisammensein. Unter allen Finisher*innen werden Preise verlost.
  • Two supply stations along the route guarantee energy supplies en route. In addition, participants will be invited to take part in a quiz at four stations, where a corresponding QR code will be placed. Goasn Alm There is a raffle for attractive prizes.

Arrival & Parking

  • We recommend that you travel to Salzburg by public transport - relaxed, sustainable, sporty!
    • excellent train connections from the Westbahn line (from Vienna), from the Tauern line (south) and from Bavaria & Tyrol. Good connection to the international airports in Vienna and Munich.
  • The return transport to the city of Salzburg (Mirabellplatz) is free of charge with the support of ALBUS – departure at 1:15 p.m. at the Gaisbergspitze.
  • If you are arriving by car, we recommend the Park & Ride zones at the start and changing to the O-Bus in the city area. Paid parking garages (e.g. Mönchsberggarage, Barmherzige Brüder) are available close to the center.
  • IMPORTANT: There are no parking spaces available at the event site in the Volksgarten.

Timing and scoring

  • A competition clock is running at the finish line. Two employees in traditional Dirndl fill out the certificate for all participants with the end time.

Medical supplies

  • There is comprehensive medical care in the finish area and at the aid stations. In emergencies, we ask for mutual support from the participants.
  • A catering and refreshment station is set up in the finish area, and mobile sanitary facilities are also available.


  • Salzburg Cityguide accompanies the events surrounding the summit meeting intensively and captures hundreds of impressions and emotions.
  • In addition, the photographers of the organizer look forward to take the most beautiful pictures of you.

Conditions of Participation

Goodies for your run

Exclusive finisher medal
Return transport and luggage transport
Celebratory get-together in the "Goasn Alm" with food & drink
Good entertainment with an alpine atmosphere
Certificate to fill out yourself

The best impressions

Das GipfelTreffen 2024

Arrival & Parking

Travel relaxed, carefree and above all sustainable to Salzburg. You actively help shape the day with the least traffic in the city of Mozart.

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Partner hotels

You can get hotel offers and information about events in the city of Salzburg from our partners.

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